When my daughter weened off of breast milk, she began having a terrible time with food allergies/aversions and severe digestion issues. We were in and out of emergency rooms, we had worked with a few different pediatricians as well as a pediatric urologist and pediatric gastroenterologist. None of the traditional practitioners were able to help her. After five years of this, we found the power of integrated medical practices through holistic practitioners, and Dr. Nadya was one of the first we met with. She helped us turn our situation around dramatically. My daughter went from being attached to my hip in a constant state of pain to running freely and happily with her friends. I watched her personality blossom as she began to feel better. It was truly life changing.
After resolving that medical issue, we also began following Dr. Nadya’s advice regarding flu prevention and began an annual homeopathic routine instead of getting flu shots. I am happy to say that year after year, since beginning this regimen, none of us has contracted the flu. Many thanks, Dr. Nadya!
Atlanta, GA
Mother of two
Advanced Medical and Chiropractic
When my daughter weened off of breast milk, she began having a terrible time with food allergies/aversions and severe digestion issues. We were in and out of emergency rooms, we had worked with a few different pediatricians as well as a pediatric urologist and pediatric gastroenterologist. None of the traditional practitioners were able to help her. After five years of this, we found the power of integrated medical practices through holistic practitioners, and Dr. Nadya was one of the first we met with. She helped us turn our situation around dramatically. My daughter went from being attached to my hip in a constant state of pain to running freely and happily with her friends. I watched her personality blossom as she began to feel better. It was truly life changing. After resolving that medical issue, we also began following Dr. Nadya’s advice regarding flu prevention and began an annual homeopathic routine instead of getting flu shots. I am happy to say that year after year, since beginning this regimen, none of us has contracted the flu. Many thanks, Dr. Nadya! Atlanta, GA Mother of two